English Language

  1. Curriculum Documents
    1. CDC English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (P1 - S3) 2002
    2. CDC-HKEAA English Language Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 - 6) 2007 (with updates in November 2015)
    3. School Based Assessment (SBA)
      1. Introduction
      2. SBA Teachers’ Handbook
      3. Information
    4. Key Stage Descriptors
      1. Basic Competency (BC) Descriptors (Tryout Version) for English Language at the end of Key Stage 1 – 2
      2. Basic Competency (BC) Descriptors (Tryout Version) for English Language at the end of Key Stage 3
  2. HKDSE
    1. Handbook for Candidates
    2. Exam Regulations
  3. TSA
    1. TSA Question Papers and Marking Schemes
    2. TSA Report
  4. SBA
    1. Materials
      1. Films
      2. Books
      3. Presentation Skills
  5. Learning English Vocabulary
    1. Enhancing English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching at Secondary Level
  6. Learning English through poems & Songs
    1. Elementary English Learning - Easy Song Quizzes
    2. Learn English With Songs - Online Lessons and Exercises
  7. Online Grammar Exercises
    1. English Grammar Online Exercises
    2. English Grammar Exercises - Englisch-Hilfen
    3. Free English grammar exercises and tests online
  8. Online Listening Exercises
    1. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For English as a Second Language
    2. HKedCity TV News
  9. Idioms & Proverbs
    1. Quotes About Study - Goodreads
    2. Study Quotes - BrainyQuote
    3. Quotes that will Inspire You to Study Abroad
    4. IdiomSite.com
    5. Learn English Today
  10. Links to Publishers
    1. Oxford
    2. Longman Pearson
    3. Pilot
    4. Aristo
  11. Online Dictionaries & Thesaurus
    1. Cambridge Dictionary
    2. Oxford Dictionaries
    3. Macmillan Dictionary
    4. Yahoo Dictionary
    5. Longman English Dictionary Online
  12. Newspapers
    1. The Standard - Secondary English
    2. Young Post
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